viernes, 10 de mayo de 2019

Measuring: PEAS PART 2

Resultado de imagen de erase una vez mendel

Hello everyone!

đź“˝️ In today's post, we will comment on the following videoÉrase una vez... Mendel y los guisantes. This video lasts about 25 minutesIn this happens the same as the last one, we are not going to find out specific contexts talking about measurment issues, but we, as a teachers, have to think about a way to introduce the topic, and in the following lines I am going to give you some clues to do it. 

First of all, we must create a context where we explain our students that the video that we are going to see speaks about several important and transversal contents between subjects but at the end of it we will focus on one of them.

This time our friends talk about the genetic, and the Teacher will be in charge of explaining who Mendel was and what he did in relation with statistics.
In this class we will do games and activities to introduce the topic to the students. All the contents in the video are related with the history and natural science subject, so you can mix the classes so as to the students do not lose the motivation but to review and learn new contents. In addition, we will do 1 experiment, as in the previous classes.

After watching the video it is important to make an introduction in the topic, it is necessary to explain the contents that we will deal with. For that reason, we can use this web page where the statictis are explained, so we can explain in a brief introduction how we will do the exercises below.

⚗️ EXPERIMENT: the following proposed experiment can be done in different ways. In order to see what they do in class can be extrapolated to everyday life, they will carry out a survey within the school or the cycle they belong to. First of all, we have to lay the foundations of the research we want to develop, that is, to focus with the students on the subject of our study, such as how many students eat peas, how many of them eat honey, how many students have cultivated peas and how many of them know how to make recipes with honey, in this way we are introducing the video. It is here when different ways of collecting data enter.

On the one hand, the students can go through the questionnaire classes for their classmates to fill them out, but then I will propose two more innovative and fun ways to do it.

The first is that students make a form from the tool offered by Google, the rest of their classmates can fill it out through computers and tablets at school. This application also offers diagrams with the percentages and results of the answers.

Resultado de imagen de formularios google diagramas

The second option is to use the Plickers application to collect the data, students should only lift a card with a QR code that is scanned and pour the data onto a platform.

Resultado de imagen de plickers

I hope you enjoyed this entry!

Marta Woman Teacher: Light Skin Tone

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