martes, 23 de abril de 2019


Resultado de imagen de los inventores heron de alejandria

Hello everyone!

📽️ In today's post, we will comment on the fifth videoÉrase una vez... Heron de Alejandría. This video lasts about 25 minutesIn this happens the same as the last one, we are not going to find out specific contexts talking about measurment issues, but we, as a teachers, have to think about a way to introduce the topic, and in the following lines I am going to give you some clues to do it. 

First of all, we must create a context where we explain our students that the video that we are going to see speaks about several important and transversal contents between subjects but at the end of it we will focus on one of them.

This time our friends talk about the some aspects relate with mathmatics, and the Teacher will be in charge of explaining who Herón de Alejandría was and what he did in relation with the steam machine.
In this class we will do games and activities to introduce the topic to the students. All the contents in the video are related with the history and mathematics subjects, so you can mix the classes so as to the students do not lose the motivation but to review and learn new contents. 

After watching the video it is important to make an introduction in the topic, it is necessary to explain the contents that we will deal with. For that reason, we can use this web page where the steam machine is explained.

📝 ACTIVITY 1: in this first activity, we will work with Heron's formula to calculate the area of a triangle. First, I leave you a web page and a YouTube video that explains the steps to follow to calculate it and the formulas you need. Secondly, I am going to propose an exercise to carry out in class about what we are learning. Inside the classroom we have different ways that the students can measure, so we can take the ones that have a triangle shape and that the students measure the area of these using the formula of Heron..

Resultado de imagen de niños estudiando

📝 ACTIVITY 2: in this second activity I propose a game. The cartography is mentioned in the video, something that will be new for the students, but it can serve as a link to learn it and work with it. we all know the famous game "sink the fleet", because here I leave you several different ways to play with it to learn the coordinates or the different units.

This page shows how to work with the coordinates and how to create our boards. We can use the themes that remain and the students will have a great time creating the boards and then playing with them, without forgetting at all times everything they are learning.

Lab. de matemáticas: “Hundir la flota” para aprender las coordenadas.

On the other hand, to work with the smallest we can use this grid with units and tens, that for the older ones we can personalize with another type of unit such as time, mass or distance.

Resultado de imagen de juego hundir la flota para matematicas primaria

I hope you enjoyed this entry!

Marta Woman Teacher: Light Skin Tone

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Measuring: MATEAMIGO

Hello everyone! In today's post I want to talk about some math books to use in our classes and complement all previous posts...